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Divine   Aura~Sprays

~ 5th ElementaLove ~

​Immensely flowery scented, soul-nurturing & heart-centering Aura Spray; spring water containing natural essential oils & healing crystals infused with Reiki energy & blessed with Love vibes ~*~


£25.00 per 100ml glass bottle; £15.00 for refill

~ EartHeart PoeTree ~


Intensely refreshing scent, soul-regenerating & mind-restorative Aura Spray; spring water containing natural essential oils & healing crystals, infused with Reiki energy & blessed with Love vibes ~*~


£25.00 per 100ml glass bottle; £15.00 for refill

~ CalmingCharmingCleansing JOY ~


Invigorating revitalising scent, spirit-uplifting & clarifying (even pet-friendly) Aura Spray; spring water containing natural essential oils & healing crystals, infused with Reiki energy & blessed with Love vibes ~*~


£11.00 per 30ml glass bottle; £7.00 for refill

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